We are a non-denominational Chinese Christian church that began meeting at the Basking Ridge’s Community Center in 2008 and now meets at our permanent location in Warren, NJ. We seek to build a spiritual family to reveal God’s grace and glory through living with God, studying His word, and putting His commands into practice. Our desire is to serve the whole family and foster healthy inter-generational relationships. We hope you will join us for worship and treat our church as your spiritual home.
我們是一個無宗派的華人基督教會,於 2008 年開始在Basking Ridge社區中心聚會,現在在我們在新澤西Warren自己的堂殿聚會。我們一心要建立一個屬靈的家庭,通過與神同在、研讀神的話語、遵行神的命令來彰顯神的恩典和榮耀。我們的願望是服務整個家庭並培養健康的隔代關係。我們希望你加入我們的敬拜,並將我們的教會視為你屬靈的家。
Christmas 2022
Devotional Brunch
Spring 2021
Easter Egg Hunt
Volunteering@Community Food Bank of New Jersey
Summer Retreat